The Higher Power of Lucky

The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron The most recent Newbery award winner apparently got pulled from a number of libraries (mostly school, I think) because it includes the shocking word “scrotum” on the first page. As overheard by our heroine. It is not mentioned again until the last chapter. Anyway, being the curious type, I thought I would investigate on behalf of you, my loyal readers.

10-year-old Lucky is more or less an orphan, with a father who left at the news she was coming and a dead mother. She’s being cared for by her father’s first wife, Brigitte, who flew over from France to take care of Lucky. They live in three adjoining trailers in the desert in tiny Hard Pan, California. Lucky’s after school job is cleaning up after all the various Anonymous meetings. Listening in on them provides her both with stories even as she tries to follow the twelve steps herself. Lucky is still dealing with the death of her mother two years ago, as well as worrying that Brigitte, only a guardian, will go back to France. Her struggle is echoed in literary fashion by a little five-year-old boy who follows Lucky around everywhere, asking her to read Are You My Mother?, when Lucky would rather be working on scientific exploration and finding her Higher Power. Despite the grim premise, Lucky is an endearing and plucky character, and the story is funny and adventurous as well as touching.

About Katy K.

I'm a librarian and book worm who believes that children and adults deserve great books to read.
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