Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Books I Hope Santa Brings Me

It’s been… about 6 months since I last did a Top 10 Tuesday (hosted by the dedicated folks at the Broke and the Bookish.)  Oops.  But I ran across Chachic’s, and now I am distracted from all the books I still need to review, and ignoring the piles of books still waiting to be read, to think about books I want to have on my shelf for my own. Top Ten Tuesday

Since I have an early December birthday, I usually save any gift cards I get until after the holidays.  But this year, I had to order something else, and couldn’t resist adding these two books to the order. These are both books that I’ve already read to myself but want to read aloud with my children. (Question: birthday presents arriving in time for Christmas.  Do I wrap for the kids to open and share?)

I’m pretty conservative about books that I want to keep permanently.  It has to be a book I’ll want to reread and loan out to friends before it’s worthy of shelf space in my small house.  But here are some I’d love to make space for:

About Katy K.

I'm a librarian and book worm who believes that children and adults deserve great books to read.
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6 Responses to Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Books I Hope Santa Brings Me

  1. that looks like a good list. i’m currently reading Akata Witch so i know the follow up will be good. and DJO? in audio? all the yassssssss. I hope you get them!

  2. Deepika Ramesh says:

    Oh. They are so beautiful and I have read your reviews too.

    And, Happy Birthday Month!

  3. Kyra says:

    I have All the Crooked Saints out from the library, and I’m looking forward to reading it! I’ve heard great things about Stiefvater’s books.

    I hope you get some of the books on your list! ❤

    My TTT post!

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